“We Marry Our Unfinished Business.”
– Lori Gottlieb –
“Can my relationship be saved?” or, “Can you help us decide if we should stay together?” These are questions I’m often asked and there is no one good answer for everyone. The most accurate response is something like this: “couples counseling can be hard work and there are no guarantees, but you are wise to invest the time and you will likely learn something very important about yourselves and each other.”
Couples counseling requires an investment by both partners, a willingness to express relationship goals, and looking inward for solutions rather than expecting the other person to change. Developing insight into what you bring to the relationship is key. Once each person understands their own patterns and reactions partners can begin the process of resolving past conflict and moving forward with more effective communication.
Whether struggling to make time for one another, having difficulty communicating, or dealing with something a little heavier, couples counseling is helpful for all relationships.