Distance Counseling

“Words of comfort, skillfully administered, are the oldest therapy known to man.”
– Louis Nizer –

Before the pandemic very few providers offered distance counseling. COVID changed that very quickly. Now, many counselors offer distance services only. For some this has been a welcome change. Telehealth offers greater access to mental health support in a time of growing need. But others feel differently. They worry that telehealth is impersonal, less effective, or they aren’t comfortable meeting with a therapist online.

Kachemak Counseling has been providing both in-office and distance services since 2012. Currently, about half of our clients opt for telehealth with the other half preferring in-office sessions. We will continue to provide both to meet the needs of all clients.

1638 Eagle View Drive
Homer, AK 99603

(907) 602-2578

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